For a long time now we have been spending our walks with Pebbles turning over ideas of how we could open our doors to not just brides & their loved ones, but everyone! Those who don’t really have a reason to pop in & see us, but would love to, an opportunity for us to chat to some of our neighbours who we wave to every so often as they pass our windows but never get the chance to talk to, as well as people just out and about, enjoying a day in Bakewell!
Well, what better excuse than a charity event? It was Ali’s idea, a Macmillan Coffee morning, something she’s been considering doing for a few years now & never quite managed to find the time to organise with running the business single-handedly. But as we are now a team of two –we thought what better time to put some of these ideas into motion!
With it being our first, we had no idea where to start & honestly, we hadn’t left ourselves a huge amount of time but couldn’t bear to wait a whole year for the next coffee morning season!
We turned over the what ifs…What if no-one was interested? What if no-body turned up? What if we ran out of cake? What if no-one liked our cakes? What if……..! In the end we thought, let’s just go for it & see what happens!
So that’s exactly what we did & yesterday (Sunday 17th September) we hosted the first, hopefully of many, coffee mornings for Macmillan. We spent Friday & Saturday baking an array of cupcakes, cakes, biscuits & honestly, we’re pretty impressed with how much got eaten!
Our target was too raise £100 and we actually raised £164.16 – which we are over the moon with for our first go! So a huge THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to come & see us and most importantly for their generous donations to such an incredible charity. We are so grateful to have had all of your support in doing so. Thank you also to those who weren’t able to join us but still donated online anyway.
We will definitely be back next year for our second coffee morning, we hope to see even more of you pop by & get even more money raised!
Ali & Molly x