Our Blog

When to start looking for your Wedding dress…

When to start looking for your Wedding dress…

Happy New Year & HUGE congratulations if you are newly engaged! If that is you, we hope you’re making the most of every second in that just engaged love bubble, before entering the world of wedding planning which some can find a little overwhelming! It doesn’t...

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Events for the New Year

Events for the New Year

This is it! Our last blog of 2023! For those of you who have taken the time to read along & follow us in our first few months of being a team of two – Thank You! We are loving sharing the ins & outs with you in this blog and have lots more in the pipeline for...

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A week in the life of running a bridal shop

A week in the life of running a bridal shop

We get told lots & lots that we have the dream job… and to be completely honest, we feel like we do too! We LOVE what we do, we LOVE working together and most of all we LOVE being part your bridal journeys from the first appointment nerves, to finding the one,...

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Christmas appointments

Christmas appointments

It’s almost Christmas already! Can you believe it? The shop is even more sparkly than ever, with more fairy lights & more glitter than usual. We’re Christmas ready & also beyond excited for the New Year as a team of 2. The last couple of months of working...

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Sample sale

Sample sale

We asked you if you’d like us to extend our black Friday discount on our sample sale dresses for one extra week, the answer was yes, yes, all day yes. So that’s what we’re doing… If you’re new to the world of wedding dresses, a sample sale is an opportunity to buy...

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Black Friday 23rd-27th Nov

Black Friday 23rd-27th Nov

We dropped a little hint about this event back in October and WOW, were you lot excited about it! Discount events are something we usually reserve for Trunk show weekends & Sample sales, so when we teased this offer you guys...

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Morilee Trunk Show December 1st- 4th

Morilee Trunk Show December 1st- 4th

Its time for another event… and this time, it’s a Pre-Season Morilee Trunk Show! A ‘Trunk show’ or ‘Designer weekend’ is an event where we receive additional 25 dresses into the shop for one weekend only. These events are great for the following reasons… If you have a...

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EveryBody EveryBride

EveryBody EveryBride

Now THIS is an exciting one… You already know we’re big Stella York fans, and that’s down to the quality of the dresses, fabrics & construction, combined with the gorgeous designs of their wedding gowns. SO, when we recently discussed adding a new collection to...

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Fabrics, Fabrics, Fabrics

Fabrics, Fabrics, Fabrics

From chiffon to satin, lace to crepe… as soon as you step into the world of wedding dress shopping you will quickly realise there are so many fabric options to choose from. You are probably wondering what they all are for a start, what makes them all different &...

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